We knew Shirley by internet property search. We knew plenty of agencies and had been looking for a real home for a long time.
Without much expectation, we set a target for her and to my surprise, her relentless effort made things happen. Not only completion but a completion for both the well-being of the buyer and seller.
She continued her effort despite finishing the deal and helped out in various aspects including renovation, mortgage, and insurance issues.
She is an all-around agent and I recommend her if you need to sell or buy any properties.
4.5 / 5.0
Doctor Tong
Ruby Z T Sun
I've worked with Ruby many times and can say in all honesty you won't find a better agent in HK in my opinion. She is highly informed, experienced, organized and effective. So say all my friends who have also worked with her. I think the key is having her accept you as a client because once she does she puts 100 percent into her work for you.
4.7 / 5.0
Aaron Boesky
Helena Lau
I write to thank OKAY.com, but, more specifically, Helena Lau for her hard work in helping me find my first rental property in Hong Kong.
Knowing that positive feedback is often forgotten, I would like to recommend Helena for the patience and professionalism that she showed at all times.
I would like to add that the positive experience I enjoyed with OKAY.com includes having its staff answer emails and calls promptly, and Helena's 24/7 availability in arranging and solving matters, even after signing the lease contract e.g. setting up utility contracts, arranging handyman service, locksmith etc.
Extended service like this makes me want to recommend OKAY.com even more!
4.7 / 5.0
Margaretha de Boer
501 Total Reviews with an Average Rating of 4.9 / 5.0 View All Reviews
Where is Casa Bella-Block 1 located?
Casa Bella-Block 1, 5 Silverstrand Beach Road, Clearwater Bay, Hong Kong
What is the average cost to buy at Casa Bella-Block 1?
HKD 19452/SQ.FT s(SA)
What is the average cost to rent at Casa Bella-Block 1?